Drugs 101 uottawa reddit

Drugs 101 uottawa reddit. SRS 110: Witchcraft, Magic and Occult Phenomena. a decent trek to the caf/UCU: mainly because you have to go up a hill. Pickup at Perez hall August 31 (10 am- 4 pm) and September 1 (10 am- 3 pm). ENG2110: Children's Literature. You read five books, a bunch of short stories, and write two essays. The prof is great and most of it is common sense. Doing well academically in first year gets you easier access to coop, research opportunities, and scholarship money. Sensory processes, perception, cognition, memory, language, and thought. Tests and How is UOttawa for graduate students? it depends on which program you pick, but as a masters student, it kind of feels like the 5th year of my bachelors. Web Site: Available through Virtual Campus. ago. If you are not in residences or not in Worst profs in each faculty ranking according to rate my prof and your opinions. You’re really paying for the amenities: the roof, the bbq, the gym, the theatre, etc. So, maybe put down your cute little flags and start going to class. They organize the International Hangout, 2 movie nights, the President's Welcome, the Football and Rugby Home 7th Edition • ISBN: 9781260691979 Kathryn A Booth, Leesa Whicker, Sandra Moaney Wright, Terri D Wyman. theatre is an easy and fun elective! 30K subscribers in the geegees community. if i remember correctly, there will be three written assignments, you will have weekly readings from the textbook, will have to read a 200 page novel and write a paper on it in the first month, and there is a midterm UOttawa is a big university (40k + students I believe. G Morton discovered. Your CGPA is a weighted calculation of your grades. 4th year, B. HSS 2381 Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences: Continuous Variables. Modern history courses are really interesting as well, but can be quite a bit of work. ECH2300, designed as an online course years ago so it wasn't really affected by the recent transition. Elementary real analysis. ADM 4349. •. I’d say thermodynamics is pretty easy. Time Stamp: 29/01/2024 - 10:25 AM. some topics were kinda not up to date and irrelevant in our time lol but otherwise super fun class! I'm biased, but 101 week was 100% worth it for me. SeaApplication2309. i am just wrapping up my first year in nursing and i would like to say that i do really enjoy the program so far. I added a minor to my degree at the beginning of my third year so I had to take 6 classes per semester in order to finish in time. Which program are you in? I could let you know your student association and how to contact them BPS1101 Notes - Drugs 101- Prof. Just looking for bird courses to fulfill my elective credits! Yes, I understand that you still have to try and study, but I heard courses like BPS1101 (Drugs 101), CLA2323 (Greek Myth), and PSY1101 (Intro to Psych) are generally "easy" courses. If you don't make an effort to attend things, especially if you're not on res, the place can feel lonely. Discussion: A discussion group is available through Virtual Campus for any aspect of the course (lectures, readings). funding wise, the opportunities are great, especially Every university has its pros and cons. Anatomy and physiology of cardiovascular it won’t let me choose drugs 101 as an elective what do i do and what other bird electives could i try? You get the student card for free at first (technically not free free because it's in your tuition fees) and if you have a meal plan, it will be put on that card. For example, you could enrol in a biology course from this list if you are studying in the Faculty of Arts. I don’t know if there is a way to know so i’ll let yk my options of courses I can drop and maybe if anyone knows if the courses are offered in the summer that’d be helpful! (i’m in health sci) I'm taking Intro to Environmental Science (EVS 1100) as my science elective. drugs 101, witchcraft, etc if you're at all interested in critical social theory or feminist sociology, I'd take a FEM class, but keep in mind 1100 is pretty basic. Posted by u/dyeditkeylimegreen_ - 2 votes and 5 comments aldrinfabian008. I didn't go to any classes and probably studied for 5 hours before the midterm and exam and got a B+ in the course. 8+) by constantly improving study methods, seeing what works for you and what doesn’t, and being organized, productive and starting assignments early, and work from there. Take some time, listen to their stories. aMDquadcore. To be honest, 50% of high GPA depends on your constant efforts but the other 50% is about how easy and proficient your profs are. From uOttawa website; BPS 1101 Drugs 101 (3 units) Drug history, discovery and use. - Assessment includes an optional quiz, two midterms worth 10-30% each, and a cumulative final exam worth 40-80%. 3. Location: OOP. I don't think either have any writing (besides short answer on exams). shoemaker and philospher. Efe Parker, it is an extremely easy class; we had online participation that counted for 5% (although since we’re going back to in-person idk if that’s still going to be a thing), an article review worth 10%, a research proposal worth 5% (easy A+) our midterm was worth 25%, research project worth 20% and the final exam was worth 35% Mckenna is an amazing teacher and he made the class interesting. Origins of disease, drug function, side effects and safety. - BIO1130: There is so much information to cover in this class and it's absolutely insane; I had Chapleau as a prof and I personally did not enjoy his teaching style (you basically had to write down every single thing he would say in his video as it is all relevant to the exams, which consisted of pausing the video, rewinding, writing, pausing, rewinding, writing,etc. Weekly modules and quizzes but it's pretty much all multiple choice and also just an interesting topic overall. See if and when a course is offered by using the course timetable tool. Hi there, I am going to be entering health sciences in the fall of 2023 at Uottawa and wanted to get some feedback about a few courses, as well as any other courses I could take as my one elective option. The kit gets you into a dozen events during 101 Week, which is the best way to meet new people and get to know campus. This is definitely not a class where you can skip lectures! She gives tons of hints and tips for her tests and will basically tell you exactly what A subreddit for students, alumni, and faculty of the University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Easily the best of the entire TRA department. I know BPS1101 is not given in french so I would be obliged to take it in english. Practice materials 100% (12) The course GEO1111 has been comprised of 6 tests in the past, the Prof just changed the whole ass syllabus on the second week of class because someone doesn't want 6 tests. I have Geneviève Robert for GEO1111 in the summer but I couldn't find any information on him on rmp, reddit and the faculty of science professor…. The units are quite small in my opinion. Posted by u/uOttawaEcon - 3 votes and 53 comments I can’t explain coop but can explain the CGPA. Reply. Award. 6. William; Drugs 1101 - Lecture notes final exam; Related Studylists BPS 1101 BPS1101 Bps. The prof has changed, our prof switched unis. It’s a fun social activity, but not an actual class. MIDTERM 1 9 February 2016, questions and answers. uOttawa Elective Courses. I have never studied at UofO -- I've simply lived in its shadow for 30 years, from when it was a much smaller teaching university to now, when it is three times larger (student body) and putting heavy emphasis on research. The supplementary exam is only available for certain courses, but most first year courses qualify. Personally, I think biochem is better because it has a broader application range, but both programs are among the toughest in the sciences, and if you have low to medium work ethic you'll be Psychology (PSY) The following courses are offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences. Best schedule builder made by and for uOttawa students (explained with pictures) uschedule. BPS 1101 Drugs 101 C 2022. Children’s Literature is also pretty easy, quite a few essays. Anyways, id recommend either one. In general it is designed to be easily 10-able, but if you don't enjoy the material and it is not relevant to your major, it is not worth taking just to pad your gpa. For the meal plan, some residences have a mandatory meal plan so if you are in one of these, you would've had to choose a 5 or 7 days meal plan. 101 WEEK KITS: Follow your Student Association Instagrams :) Hi! A lot of posts are about not receiving emails for 101 week so here are all the Instagram accounts of all uOttawa Student Associations (strongly recommend following yours) to stay updated on 101 week info! 95 Pages • Complete Study Notes • Year Uploaded: 2023. SOC1101 (Introduction to Sociology) was an easy A and interesting. Electives without prerequisites give you the opportunity to explore other disciplines that interest you. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit uOttawa requires english proficiency test from me as a 101 applicant ? i’m a 101 applicant and i’ve been in the ontario high school system for the past 2 years. aangeliiiinaaa. soc 1101 with larose. 19 terms. I’m looking for easy elective classes from the faculty of arts, faculty of education, faculty of law, faculty of social sciences or the Telfer school of management. I am trying to plan my classes and I wanted to take BPS 1101, but when I try to search it in uozone a pop up comes up I just completed my degree in biomedical science. Nervous system, consciousness. bps2110 is not too bad, there is alot of memorization so id say its a lil harder than phy1321. Nov 3, 2023 · On 1/29/2024 at 11:59 AM, SamN91 said: Invite/Regrets: Regrets. ik i could google risamari. 25 terms. Much better for your future in the long run. I'd suggest taking a look at all the science electives and choosing the most interesting. You'll do organic 3 in both, although pharm has an additional organic chem lab. And remember, during all of it, to make time for yourself. If you pay attention and actually semi-try, it is an easy A or A-, yes. Sir humphry davy. Cons: high cost tuitions, the hallways are always jam packed, people . Extremely hard to follow. was in europe for grades 9 and 10 however it was an english school. This thread is specifically for those users who will apply or have applied to the University of Ottawa to discuss different admission issues and ask current uOttawa students for help and advice. cmn 2180 was super interesting. 1 / 2. 100% agree - EASY A+! Drugs 101 (BPS1101) with Ogilvie, PSY1101 or PSY1102 with Haddad are all super interesting, 100% multiple choice courses that are fairly easy. the sub for uottawa is r/geegees. Preferably elective classes that have take home exams/essays. A subreddit for students, alumni, and faculty of the University of Ottawa in Ottawa… May 29, 2002 · By Guest Ian Wong, May 29, 2002 529 replies Next semester I have microbiology (hss 1100) anatomy 2 (anp 1106) anatomy 3 (anp 1107) philosophical issues in health (phi 1370) and then drugs 101 (bps 1101, Elective which I’m very excited for). uottawa-questions111. PHI 2396 Bioethics. Anatomy and Physiology (ANP) The following courses are offered by the Faculty of Medicine. pretty far from grocery stores; however, there are shuttle buses that run on Tues and Thurs. If you're good at memorization, these two classes are a breeze. It's a stereotypical science elective. ddrainvi. 9. Joseph lister used ____ as antiseptic. Discovered nitrous oxide. If some questions are recurring, I will add them to this post along with the best free laundry, optional meal plan, AC. Nice to hear. BPS1101 Final exam questions 3. I went to this class but honestly used that time to half pay attention, half work on shit for other courses. If you look back at all the courses you've taken, how would you rank your profs? Nonverbal Communication was SO easy, a few short writings and very straightforward exams. 143. However, I've heard from many upper-year students the classes get much more interesting in later years. If it is, you can include this course in your timetable So, i was wondering what are the easiest courses at uottawa. THEO1100: Introduction to the Practice of Theatre: Onstage. Both uOttawa and Carleton lost to UC Santa Barbara a few years ago in men's basketball (UC Santa Barabara is one of the shittiest basketball program in the NCAA). The grass isn't greener on the other side unfortunately. If you’re not planning on using those then it’s probably not worth it. 30K subscribers in the geegees community. It is probably easy, a few of my friends took it and said it was extremely boring. Some people prefer a smaller environment, but I personally like when there are more people around. Soils mechanics 2 is pretty easy. Toxicology, pain relief, cold medications, performance-enhancing drugs for sports, antibiotics and cancer chemotherapy. i have an offer from uottawa and dont know if i should accept. It's very disappointing, I suspect I did not make it pass their cGPA cut off. Each grade you receive is given a point out of a total of 10 on the scale in the link: grading scale. ENG 1100 Workshop in Essay Writing (3 units) Intensive practice in academic essay writing. Whichever one Richard Burgess teaches. 1,020 solutions. RUS2130. william ogville; Lecture notes, Drugs 101, Prof. Speaking as an introvert with experience both at Uottawa (where I am currently) and Trent university in Peterborough, Uottawa is definitely less of a tight knit community than some people prefer. Well, if you like chemistry go for either of Biochemistry or Biopharm. eventually you’ll adjust! a huge My prof is Sherry Fukuzawa. me is by far the best (if not only) schedule builder I used for Ottawa courses. A subreddit for students, alumni, and faculty of the Hss1101 with Tien Nguyen is really easy. Emphasis on grammatical and well-reasoned expository writing, essay organization, preparation of research papers, and proper acknowledgment of sources. Before 1907, anybody could make or sell drugs. BPS 1101. no other university has required any type A subreddit for students, alumni, and faculty of the University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I agree that the easiest course will be the one you are interested in. courses you are interested in will be the easiest 👍. All exams were multiple choice, so very easy to do well. eco1102 is cool and easy😎. Here's how it works: If you want to meet lots of people in res don't choose brooks. Its legit grade 11 biology about evolution. Churro_14. Sc in Economics and Political Science (Co-op and French Immersion) Katya Moussatova - VP Academic // VP Academique. Hey, I’m a first year student at uOttawa taking International development and globalization and I was wondering if anyone has anything to say about…. HSS 2305 Molecular Mechanisms of Disease. It is doable, just make sure to manage your time and start your projects as soon as you can so you don’t rush when midterms or finals come. BPS 1101 - Drugs 101 (Nod to Canadian lab geek) Drugs 101 ( BPS 1101 ) isn’t a science elective…. Un… MAT 1374 - Poker 101: probability in games - learn to count cards and strategize in order to come out on top Otherwise I'd just look at the typical suggestions. Just focus on getting a good gpa (3. Regulation of drugs. the compulsory courses at the 2000 level are. I'm not gonna say that 0 effort = A because to me, that is not realistic or true in any university class, but apparently this sub is full of geniuses. Biology - evolution. Your worldview will likely be challenged. SOC1101 can be iffy depending on the prof, but it was fairly easy when I took it. cGPA: on 3. 93 OMSAS Scale. In other words, if you're going to meet your peers, buy your own faculty's, if you want to go and have fun and meet the most amount of people, buy a bigger faculty's kit. A subreddit for students, alumni, and faculty of the University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 8. Most pretty easy. You’re literally really asking every premed question there is to ask. 2. University of Ottawa. MAT1374 - Probability and Games of Chance: Poker 101. Miranda Sculthorp - VP Philanthropic // VP Philanthropique - 4th year, B. Here’s the classes: CSI 2101 - discrete structures CSI 2132 - databases 1 SEG 2106 - software construction SEG 2911 - professional software engineering practice Mat 2377 - probability and stats for engineers. 1 / 6. Academic probation is where your GPA falls super low (under a 4 or a 5) and it’s a warning period to get your shit together before they kick you out. For every 18+ event there's counterprogramming for people who don't want to/can't go to bars. zlamanna41. They all enjoyed the first year psych classes more, I have taken those and enjoyed. Finished with an easy A. finkjackhi2. BPS 1101 Drugs 101 B 2022. chem 1. It's pretty easy. HSS 2102 Communication and Health. High School / Future Students Megathread - Winter 2023. • 2 yr. Cons - you shouldn't have many issues tbh. We always recommend buying your faculty's, however some faculty's are very small and subsequently their 101 week will be smaller. 0. I’m very social so more people = more friendship opportunities in my mind. These classes are also highly regarded as easy electives but I never had a chance to take them: SRS1110 - Witchcraft, Magic and Occult Tradition. The living spaces are nicer but you meet so many less people because of how isolated each apartment is compared to traditional res or 90u. ) First year classes tend to be huge as well (200-400 students). Discussion. 3. ECs: Extensive clinical experiences as a physiotherapist. Drugs 101 is a basic intro to pharma / science for people who are not in science. Office hours are by appointment via email. A really easy but also very interesting course was the human animal (BIO1300, specifically with Adam Oliver Brown, he was AMAZING). Practice materials 100% (4) 14. 1. 28K subscribers in the geegees community. HSS 2382 Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences: Categorical Variables. letsmakeart. If you're REALLY interested in the field, it's a great program for you but it wasn't for me. This document outlines the course details for a drugs 101 course including: - The course is taught by Professor William Ogilvie with lectures on Mondays and Wednesdays at various times and a discussion board available online. PHI1101: Reasoning and Critical Thinking. I found the easiest elective is Drugs 101. Depending on the course, E either means that you failed the course entirely (because an E classifies as a grade 40-49 I believe but you can look this up) or that you can take a supplementary exam to redeem your failure. You can buy the 101 week kit for any faculty. Ether in 1846. If u currently go, do u enjoy the environment, is ottawa a nice place to live (i like big cities), is the weather bad, are there resources and mental health stuff, are there good co-op opportunities, nice people, and any other thought you have about deciding to go. Sc Specialization in Economics. I went to Uottawa, easy elective courses I took and would say are an easy A are: SOC1106 exploring diversity in Canada (tests are m/c and the test bank questions are all online you can study from) ECO 1103: economic issues of indigenous people BPS1101: drugs 101 GEO1301: The Earth and How it works English (ENG) The following courses are offered by the Faculty of Arts. It’s also easy to build strong relationships with Unpopular opinion: uOttawa is a good university. Office Hours: During scheduled lecture times. Yea I had Bioethics with Maicher, and tbh it was hard to follow. Faveri. Bar From Afar has cocktail event nights. Pls don’t recommend ADM1100, FLS1510 or HSS1101 as I have tried enrolling but they all have a A subreddit for students, alumni, and faculty of the University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Prof: William Ogilvie Room 403, D’Iorio Hall Tel: 6071 Email: wogilvie@uottawa. I took SOC 1106 during the Fall 2021 term with prof Dr. But some that I have taken that I found easy are PSY1101, PSY1102, CLA2170, CLA2103, CLA2104 So could you please tell me which one should I take between BPS1101 (DRUGS 101), PSY2105 (CHILD DEVELOPMENT), CRM1300 (INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINOLOGY), HSS1101 (DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH), or another one you could suggest me. Phenol. Un…. • 3 yr. CSI2101 is very very dependent on the prof. Soc. Hate: how far DMS is from the rest of campus : (. ANP 1105 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (3 units) An introduction to tissue and cell morphology, biochemistry of the cell and physiological concepts including diffusion, osmosis and membrane transport mechanisms. You get an F on your transcripts and academic probation is where the school/academic advisor helps a students get good. If anyone who has ADHD and has some tips for succeeding in these courses pls share them:) CRM 1300 is pretty interesting! And easy. Pros: Rideau and other important buildings are right beside the school, the LRT access (of course occasionally lol), nice buildings, lots of degree options, and 80% of campus has tunnels for cold winters. definitely not a bird course; you will have to take a lot of notes in class as the prof will say important info that is not on the slides whatsoever, and you will be tested on it. The best way to choose electives is to take classes you think you will be interested in. Lecture notes 100% (3) 14. ) The exam marking scheme 12 votes, 19 comments. Echoing what others have said, this is a fresh start. Good luck! 4th year, B. 90u is pretty good cause there are still common rooms and lots of hangouts. People complain as if the university is a shit hole. HSS 2321 Sociopolitical and Economic Perspectives in Health. Final Exam- Drugs 101 all lecture notes. They show you how to make 2 drinks, and send you home with the supplies to make 2 more. Maybe Drugs 101 or Anatomy are more your thing. As previously mentioned by u/whiteduchess, 101 Week is NOT the same as Welcome Week, which is lead by uOttawa, and goes from August 29th to September 11th. The tests are literally online multiple choice and grading is all done automatically by the software. Un subreddit pour les étudiants, les diplômés et la faculté de l'Université d'Ottawa à Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Historical perspective. MUS2304 - The sound of rock. the level isnt very challenging but i’m still getting to learn new things and make connections, which i havent done during my undergrad. This review covers all the weeks/topics we created notes for the course Drugs 101. 4. I didn't make it or was told to endorse it, I just wanna get this super useful tool out there since it saved me so much time. Taking this class this semester. William T. newer residence; very close to SITE, STEM, bio buildings. I took CLA 1101 and it was extremely easy. Or take philosophy 101 another useful course. PSY 1101 Introduction to Psychology: Foundations (3 units) Object and method of psychology. All we had were readings to do before the lectures and the lectures are literally just him talking without any visual aids. 66 views. In order to get your CGPA, you use the following formula: (sum of course grade points, weighted from the 10 point scale)/ (sum total number of BPS1101 Final Exam Review Winter 2016 Introduction and history 1900's - Average life expectancy- 44 years Main cause of death- pneumonia, flu, tuberculosis 2000's - Average life expectancy- 82 years Main causes of death- heart disease, cancer, stroke Reas. Studio Art classes are also really fun, but they’re a lot of work, can be expensive, and you can only BPS 1101 C Drugs 101 2020. It comes with some pretty neat stuff, but the real value are the events. Current year: Masters complete. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Seldane (terfenadine), Caused drug-drug interactions with a prescription drug Ketoconazole (caused problems with peoples hearts), Fexofenadine and more. For example, Take communication 101 which is a useful course for your future career and so are upper year communications courses. I took ANT101 with Sherry this semester, she's a great prof! Honestly all you need to do well is do your readings, be attentive in lecture and study smart for the exams. Lynne is an AMAZING professor. Soo 5 courses/sem is too much for me right now but i want to do whatever course i drop in the winter, in the summer. The idea is to take a few introductory electives which allow you to spend elective credits to access electives in higher years which can really benefit you. • 2 mo. easy while also being very interesting. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How man types are in the Corona virus family?, What accent did COVID-19 have?, What is Zoonotic Transmission and more. • 4 yr. phy1321 is very similar to grade 12 physics so if u did well back then, u can definitely do well/better this time around. ADMIN MOD Drugs 101 . Sc Specialization in Economics with Advanced Minor in French as a Second Language (Co-op It’s well maintained, clean, and safe. Stream: English. Btw, If anyone reading this would like to join, simply post your insta or Facebook, I’ll make a group chat. obviously as a first year, you’re bound to experience a lot of challenges such as dealing with low grades from hard classes and figuring out how to study properly. Request for Help. There's a reason why it always cracks the top 10 or so universities in Canada. sg cx nq op vb jx pv ot ta yt